For every association under the 1901 Law, the general assembly is an important moment! Exodus Privacy was no exception. And on September 1st, 2018, in Nantes, its members met to take stock of the first year, elect the new board and discuss projects.
The activity report made it possible to trace the history of the association:
In less than a year, Exodus Privacy has acquired undeniable scientific and technical credibility. But the aim of the association being to reach the general public, it is necessary to concentrate the efforts of the association on this point, in particular by developing materials intended for the general public and links with digital mediators.
After the unanimous approval of the activity report, we discussed the financial report of the association. In particular, we decided to financially support Framasoft, because their services are regularly useful to us! The financial report was approved by a majority of the votes cast, the treasurer having preferred to abstain.
Finally, the general assembly ended with the election of the new board. Lovis_IX (treasurer), Codimp (secretary), U+039b and MeTaL_PoU (president) were elected.
We take this opportunity to thank all the people who supported Exodus Privacy, whether they donated a little time or money, or simply relayed our work. If you want to join us, to make educational materials such as our videos, communication, translation, code, proofreading… don’t hesitate! The easiest way is to join us on the forum.